Rules and Judging
Competition Information & Rules
Mithril Brush is an “Open” competition. This means that if there are six entries that the judges vote on that reach a “Gold” level score, then there are six gold winners.
Each category will have Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Copper level winners.
The Mithril Spear winner will be chosen from one of the Gold winners.
The competition opens January of each year and entrants will have until December 1st of that year to finish their mini, take photos and submit their pictures
Entrants may enter the competition anytime during the year, as long as the entry is completed by December 1st
Entrants are allowed to enter into as many categories as they would like but can only enter one entry in each category
You may not enter a mini that has already been painted
The entry must be Middle Earth themed but the mini may be produced by any manufacturer, including:
Games Workshop
Medbury miniatures
Unreleased miniatures
When finished with your entry, please send the final pictures via email
You may send as many pictures as you would like, but sometimes less is better. All will be assessed by the judges
The $5 admission fee covers all entries if you are entering into more than one category
The admission fee goes to pay for the running of the website and to the funding of the various prizes and trophies that will be awarded
When you submit your entry (see “Entry submission”), please include a picture of the unpainted/primed mini. This must be done to ensure the competitors are not entering a piece that has already been painted
Personally hiring another individual/party to sculpt your mini for you then to paint for the competition is not allowed
Artists agree to have their entry displayed via the website if no communication is made otherwise
No up/down scaling of your miniatures if you are 3D printing your model
No use of artificial/colored lighting when taking pictures of your model
Basic photo editing that is allowed:
Alteration of exposure (how much light is entering the camera)
Any significant alteration of your miniature via photoshop or other editing methods will be meticulously reviewed and if any suspicion of alteration is made and a consensus is agreed between the judges, your entry will be disqualified
How many judges will there be?
There will be five judges (see below)
How and when will my piece be judged?
Judges will first go through all entries to select pieces to judge. They will then go on to judge each selection.
Each piece will be given a score by each judge
1 = Copper
2 = Bronze
3 = Silver
4 = Gold
A piece’s total score will then be added and the sum will determine where you place
1-10 = Copper
10-13 = Bronze
14-18 = Silver
19-20 = Gold
Judging will take place after December 1st until the end of December, which is when the announcement ceremony will take place
What is the Mithril Spear?
See the “Prizes and Awards” tab
What are the criteria that are used to determine a piece’s score?
Judges will utilize 5 pieces of criteria when evaluating a piece:
Painting Skill
Presentation/Overall Effect
Each category will have different approximate weights that are given to these criteria. The judges will use these percentages as a guide for final determination
Single Miniature-Masters / Single Miniature-Standard / Monster
Difficulty = 5%
Creativity = 10%
Workmanship = 10%
Painting Skill = 70%
Presentation/Overall Effect = 5%
Diorama / Duel / Eored
Difficulty = 15%
Creativity = 10%
Workmanship = 30%
Painting Skill = 30%
Presentation/Overall Effect = 15%
Difficulty = 20%
Creativity = 20%
Workmanship = 40%
Painting Skill = N/A
Presentation/Overall Effect = 20%
Credit is given to “ReaperCon” Master Series Painting Contest and the International Judging Criteria